Clearfit LaserFacials

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Services Details

Why Clearfit Laser Facials May Be the Best Treatment for Your Skin

Laser skin rejuvenation facial is one of the most advanced treatments for removing unwanted pigmentation on the skin such as age spots, sun spots and freckles. For deep pigmentation such as melasma, the laser depigmentation facial is the treatment of choice. Laser treats these conditions by targeting and fragmenting the selected imperfection without causing damage to the surrounding skin tissue. The spots gradually disappear over the course of three to seven days.

Introducing the Clearfit Laser Facial: What is it and what are its benefits?

The Clearfit Laser Facial is a treatment that uses a special device to cleanse, exfoliate, and Clearfit Laserte the skin. It is often used to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of ageing. The Clearfit Laser Facial can also be used to treat acne, rosacea, and other skin conditions

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How Clearfit Laser Facials can help improve your skin's appearance

The laser works deep within the skin, stimulating collagen and regeneration of the skin cells for a tighter, fresher appearance which makes use of your body’s own rejuvenation mechanisms. Treatment is not at all painful, although patients like the feel of the laser working, in a positive way, deep within the skin.

Clearfit Laser Facials vs other popular skin treatments: Which is best for you?

Laser’s ClearLift™ is a state of the art, non-ablative treatment alternative to tradition skin resurfacing and surgical face lifts that boasts virtually no pain and no downtime. Laser’s ClearLift™ improves fine lines, wrinkles, the appearance of small veins and redness caused by vascularity, Alma Laser’s ClearLift is gentle enough to treat areas that are typically too sensitive to treat with traditional ablative lasers, such as the delicate skin around the eyes, neck, mouth and chest.

Clearfit Laser Facials

Initial results are almost instant with skin both looking and feeling fresher and brighter and will improve over time as the collagen and skin cells repair. All ClearLift treatments are ‘lunchtime procedures’ that are virtually painless with no downtime, no need for pre-treatment anesthetic and safe for all skin types.